Reflective Reader, you made it to Book Four, where I finally merge with Azalea, my soul sister, and we become Anna, The One who was always meant to be. We survived the burst of Bri’s bubble—my bubble—and moved forward so that I am able to journey further into my soul. Although Azalea’s voice is not a strong influence at first, we take time to grow together.
I am still on my journey, as my journey is eternal. I travel not only within myself, but across the world. As I collect stamps in my Passport of Self-Discovery, you will witness my growth and perhaps build up the mileage on your own voyage as well. My journey in my Cocoon of Therapy resembles that of Bri’s with Psyche, but I am the analyst of my own life this time. Now that Indira has healed, we will make sense of my world with my strong voice. I use journal entries, poetry, voice notes, television shows, movies, books, email and text messages, social media, psychological concepts, Greek mythology, and the best healing medicine of all—travel—to become my own hero. I meet a lot of people along the way; however, mine is a journey of one. I have learned we must all travel this world as our truest selves in order to gain meaning. I hope I continue to help you find your truest version of yourself. Enjoy your travels. |